
If you’re looking to buy a home, you have choices. Do you buy an existing one or have it custom-built brand new?

The choice is yours to make, but there are definite advantages to building a home from scratch over buying an existing one.

Benefits of new construction

Imagine the home of your dreams. When you decide to build from the ground up, here are some of the benefits you’ll receive.

  • No Hand-Me-Downs. In a newly constructed home, you’re the first one to live there. Nothing is pre-used; it’s all brand-new. There’s something in knowing that you get to break it in just as you like.
  • Low Maintenance. Everything is new—plumbing, wiring, appliances, everything. The chance of something breaking down or needing repair or replacement is practically nil. And if it does, it’s almost assuredly under warranty, so you’ll get it free.
  • Up to Code. If the building is new, it had to meet applicable building codes. No need for annoying inspections and repairs when something isn’t compliant.
  • Get What You Want. You won’t have to settle for features that you don’t like. You can be in charge of the details of the design, at least to some degree. There may be limitations based on codes, homeowners’ associations, or lot size, but you have many more options than with an existing home.
  • Less Competition. The current demand for homes in today’s market can be frustrating. As soon as you find an existing home that you like, it’s sold. Building a new home is much quicker to get started.
  • Energy Efficiency. New homes are built with better “envelopes”. Building codes require higher levels of energy efficiency in new construction. The buildings are more tightly sealed to keep the outside air from seeping indoors and vice versa. New windows are also more efficient in helping ensure energy efficiency.
  • Green Appliances. All new homes will also have energy-efficient appliances installed as a default. Water heaters, air conditioning units, refrigerators, washing machines—all appliances will run more efficiently and save you in utility bills.
  • Safety. New construction must meet stricter fire safety standards than older homes. For example, carpeting installed in new homes will be made of fire-retardant materials. New homes must also have hard-wired smoke alarms with battery backups. They’ll still work if you forget to change the battery.
  • Healthier. There is a big push to build homes with a healthier environment. This includes using paint with low volatile organic compounds (VOC), which emit almost no toxic fumes. Modern homes have spray foam insulation instead of the traditional asbestos. The spray foam is safer and seals the home more tightly.

Hire the right company for your dream home

When you decide to have a home built, count on the RT Construction to do it right. We build custom homes to your specifications. We will help you design a home that you’ll enjoy for many years to come.

Based in O’Fallon, Missouri, we’ve helped many satisfied customers in the St. Charles and St. Louis counties and Lake of the Ozarks build the home of their dreams. Let us do the same for you.

Give us a call today for a free consultation.